Publicity - A Smart Tool

Publicity is an important marketing tool that should be used by all business at any level. This Blog is dedicated to the examples of Press Releases produced by Juggernaut Marketing Communications, Their Clients, Workshop Graduates and Friends. Please take a look around and get some ideas from the press releases and articles below. Whenever possible, this site will also feature follow up results, tips and ideas for creating your own press release.
Have Fun!

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Fusion Marketing - Distinction over competition

“The key to successful guerrilla marketing is in embracing not the concept of competition, but the beauty and advantage of co-operation. “ Marketing Monthly, Guerrillas in our Midst

Marketing can be seen as a toolbox that contains all of the equipment needed to communicate about and advance your business. Sales strategies, advertising, promotions and guerrilla tactics are just a few of the valuable tools available. One of the most effective, rewarding, underutilized, and inexpensive methods of marketing is to partner your marketing efforts with the efforts of others.

Fusion Marketing is working in a collaborative way with other businesses for mutual profitability. Recently, a baby store joined forces with a spa, restaurant, framing shop, art store and furniture boutique to promote their new line of products.

Comfort & Joy hosted Celebrate Nelson, a contest that rewarded customers in a fun and exciting way. By partnering with suppliers and local businesses, Comfort & Joy was able to give away prizes to many customers, while featuring great products and services. Sharing the promotional campaign increased awareness and excitement in the local community. Furthermore, Silverfern Framing and Kootenai Moon contributed to the ambience by donating decorations, which featured products from their stores. The result was a successful fusion campaign that raised top of mind awareness for all that participated, at no additional expense.

The more people that you share your marketing efforts with, the greater your reach. Why have the staff of just one store talking about a promotion, when you can have many people spreading the news. And if they are happy and excited about what they are doing, the better! Fusion is most effective when it’s fun.

Juggernaut’s mission is to enable businesses to accomplish their marketing goals by obtaining professional assistance and learning unique strategies that work for them, in the process. For more information, contact us at

Juggernaut Marketing Communications, 809 Baker, Nelson, BC Tel: 505-5016