Publicity - A Smart Tool

Publicity is an important marketing tool that should be used by all business at any level. This Blog is dedicated to the examples of Press Releases produced by Juggernaut Marketing Communications, Their Clients, Workshop Graduates and Friends. Please take a look around and get some ideas from the press releases and articles below. Whenever possible, this site will also feature follow up results, tips and ideas for creating your own press release.
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Sunday, July 5, 2009

Read, Cook, and Roll Around

Why I Love Being a Dad
By Chris Holland

Before I became a Dad, I researched, read, listened and asked questions on the best ways to raise a healthy and well balanced child. In almost all of my research there was an underlying theme; Engage, Communicate and Relate

Engage the mind – encourage them to think, this world is a wonderful place and the best way to engage your child is to read. Take the time to rediscover the stories you remembered as a child yourself and if you don’t have any memories, now is the time to create them.

I discover as I read stories to my daughter, that we share a moment together and as I watch her grew daily so does are relationship. I decided to shut of the TV and explore the endless wonderment of the human mind and let me tell you, there are a lot of fun surprises in store when you try this. From the crazy and wonderful mind of the Munch Man to the rhythmic dance of Sandra Boynton I have read more books with my daughter than I did in college.

For me, I was never invited into the Kitchen until late into my teens, and then it was more about survival than exploration. Today my little girl and I routinely create meals, bake bread and make cookies. I’m not an expert in the kitchen but by letting go the fear of the unknown and having a co-pilot to discovery, my daughter and I enjoy our time in the Kitchen, she understands were food comes from and the process of how it is made and I get to see what it is like to taste sugar for the first time.

I realized very quickly when my daughter was brought into my life that she is way smaller than I am. I watched other parents and remembered what it was like to be small. The one thing I remembered was this world was not built for children, bank tellers sat in towers, chairs were always to big, the underneath of the table was my first view of dinner and when the adults gathered around me to talk, I felt like ant amongst giants.

With my daughter I make sure when I’m talking to her that I make eye contact, this means getting down on my knee to her level to show respect for her current height. I also discovered that while your down there you can play, goof, laugh or just plain roll around.

The other day my little girl came to me with a secret. As I got down to her level she cupped my ear and whispered – I love you Daddy, you are my best friend, Thank You.

And that is why I love being a dad.

1 comment:

  1. well written Chris. that is why i love being a dad too. also why i love leaving Chloe with you and Brianna.
